According to the National Institute on Industrial Property (INPI) Resolution 16/2020, published in the Official Gazette on March 17, 2020; INPI has installed an Extraordinary Recess from March 12 to April 3, 2020, as an exceptional measure during the public health emergency declared by the Decree of Necessity and Urgency 260/2020.
Thus, all legal, regulatory, and related deadlines – including dates of subpoenas, services, official notices or notifications – under the jurisdiction of the INPI that were in progress on the day of publication of the DNU 260/2020 (March 12, 2020) are suspended until April 3, 2020 (Article 1). However, this suspension will not prevent the INPI from considering in time all the acts that have been presented or that will be presented within their original term (Article 2).
However, given that it is impossible for the authorities to foresee how long the health emergency will last, this Extraordinary Recess can be extended, if the emergency persists.
At Lerman & Szlak we will continue to work remotely through the INPI Online Portal, as long as this channel of formal communication with the Institute remains operational.
Please contact our IP team for any questions.