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About Us

Executive leadership

As pioneers in technology law with more than fifteen years of specialized academic and professional training, today we pride ourselves on being successful trainers and consultants. Another important aspect of our occupation concerns collaborating through research, teaching, and many other areas.

We are able to actively participate in the affairs of local, regional, as well as international organizations, shaping the history of local and regional e-commerce and data protection, and most importantly – global agreements which create and shape innovations.

We form a part of the digital ecosystem, not only from the legal viewpoint but also as entrepreneurs in Argentina and Chile, in charge of projects closely connected to our current services. Having the ability to gain experience firsthand gives us insight into the dynamic world of brands and technology companies. Consequently, we are able to truly understand our clients’ goals and guide them through the process with confidence.

Celia is a lawyer (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Valedictorian), Intellectual Property LLM (Universidad Austral, with honors) and Master in the Science of Law (JSM, Stanford University).
Gabriela Szlak is a lawyer (University of Buenos Aires - UBA, with honors) with postgraduate degrees in eBusiness Management from Georgetown University and the University of Salvador.
Cecilia is a lawyer (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella - UTDT), and Master in Law and Economics (UTDT, with honors). She is a graduate of the Commercial Law Program (Bucerius Law School, Hamburg, Germany).
Silvia began her legal studies at the University of Buenos Aires’ School of Law & Science, where she then received two degrees in Law and Prosecuting in 1974. She also serves as authorized pre-trial mediator for the Ministry of Justice of Argentina.

“What Makes Us Different Is That We Are Not Afraid To Support Our Clients’ Vision. We Provide Solutions That Are Deeply Practical.”

Celia Lerman

Our partners are thought leaders