We are proud of the quality of the professionals at Lerman & Szlak team and their commitment for excellence. In this opportunity we would like to share that after a challenging application process our associate Lucia Suyai Mendiberri was appointed to INTA’s “Internet Committee”; Shirly Galante to the “Trademark Office Practices” and our partner Gabriela Szlak to the ” Building Bridges” Committee.
The Internet Committee, to which Lucia Suyai Mendiberri was appointed, is responsible for the development and defense of a balanced trademark protection policy on the Internet and in the domain name system (further information at https://www.inta.org/committees/internet-committee/).
The Trademark Office Practices Committee, of which Shirly Galante will be a member, evaluates and suggests improvements to trademark office practices, procedures, operations and regulations at the national, regional and international levels, among other things (further information at https://www.inta.org/committees/trademark-office-practices-committee/).
The Building Bridges Committee to be integrated by Gabriela Szlak focuses on fostering strategic partnerships with non-IP and non-legal organizations, such as advertising and marketing associations; associations that support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises; among others (further information at https://www.inta.org/committees/building-bridges-committee/).
In addition, Celia Lerman will continue to serve on the INTA Bulletins Committee that contributes to a substantial part of the content of the publications in this newsletter (more information at https://www.inta.org/committees/inta-bulletins-committee/ ).