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The Lerman & Szlak Blog

The recently published regulation, which will enter into force on 09/11/2021, provides criteria for the disposition of products at websites -in the virtual locations- of supermarkets; superstores; self-service stores; retail chains; wholesalers and shopping centers.
The Argentine Trademark Office (“INPI”) established, through Disposition 195/2021, certain criteria for rectifications and waivers proceedings within the framework of the trademark registration procedures.
Did you know that patients’ have the right to access their medical records? In this post we address some news about health-related data in Argentina and the main issues that shall be considered by healthcare centers or professionals to comply with the local regulations. 
The lectures adressed topics such as the privacy challenges posed by credit scorings within the Fintech sector.
On May 17, 2021, the General Inspectorate of Justice ("IGJ") issued a new resolution (8/2021) (the "Resolution") that severely restricts the possibility of registering foreign companies before IGJ under the terms of Section 123 of the Argentine Companies Law (i.e., for the purpose of participating in Argentine companies).
Recently, new regulations have been issued that impact on E-Commerce companies that sell to end consumers. In this article we summarize the most relevant points to take into account.
During last month, the General Inspectorate of Justice (hereinafter “IGJ”, as its acronym in Spanish) has issued certain Resolutions addressed to foundations and associations incorporated in the territory of Buenos Aires City.
The manufacturing and development processes of various products and services, as well as the formulae of well-known beverages and foods, have been protected under a cautious secrecy.
Industrial models and designs that are novel and provide aesthetic or ornamental features may be protectable under property rights. In order to be registered, they must be novel.
The work has protection since its creation; however, it is essential to make the deposit or registration to enforce your rights as owner of that work.


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