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The Lerman & Szlak Blog

On March 4, 2021, Resolution 8/2021 of the Legal and Technical Secretariat was published in the Official Gazette. This Resolution updated the fees for the services provided by NIC Argentina.
Since the entry into force of the Entrepreneurial Capital Support Law (ECP Law) in 2017, Simplified Corporations (or “SAS”, after its acronym in Spanish) have become the mostly chosen corporate structure for innovating enterprises in Argentina, mainly due to its low regulation and reduced costs.
The Brexit transition ended on December 31st, 2020 and impacted directly on the scope of European Community trademarks, which are granted for the territory of the European Union (EU).
Every January 28 is celebrated the “International Data Privacy Day”, an initiative adopted by the Council of Europe and the European Commission, in commemoration of the execution of the Convention 108 “for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data”.
In this article she summarizes some of the challenges and strategies in relation to the procedure for trademark oppositions before the Argentine Trademark Office (INPI), which was modified in 2018.
On December 31, 2020, the Argentine Data Privacy Office -Agency for Access to Public Information- issued Resolution 322/2020 (“Resolution 322”) which repealed the inspection procedure foreseen by Disposition 55/2016 and approved the Inspection Guide and the Legal and Technical Guidelines for the Inspection Procedure on Data Privacy matters.
2020 was, without a doubt, a year of challenges at the global level. For the Lerman & Szlak franchise team, led by our partner Cecilia Brazzola, it was no exception.
Through Resolution 194/2020, the INPI ordered the resumption of the course of the deadlines of the procedures under its competence that were suspended by INPI Resolution N°16/20 and its successive extensions.
The event will be held virtually and will be transmitted through the YouTube channel of the San Isidro Bar Association.
Gabriela Szlak and Lucia Suyai Mendiberri provide useful guidelines and describe best practices to carry out email marketing activities, in compliance of the Argentine data privacy legal framework, in their recent article published in OneTrust's Data Guidance.


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