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The Lerman & Szlak Blog

Since the change of Government in Argentina and the appointment of the new inspector in charge of the Inspection General of Justice (the "IGJ"), Daniel Roque Vítolo, some of the most severe and interventionist corporate regulations issued under the previous Directorate are gradually beginning to be revoked.
To celebrate International Privacy Day on January 28, we are pleased to share that during January, 2024, the European Commission published its review of the adequacy decisions in force, confirming that Argentina continues to be a country which ensures an adequate level of protection for personal data of European residents transferred from the European Union ("EU").
On January 10th, 2024, Resolution No. 5/2024 was published on the Official Gazette of the Argentine Republic, through which, the Legal and Technical Secretariat, in charge of the administration of the Argentine Top Level Domain, updated the fees for Internet domain procedures.
The creation and implementation of a module dedicated to Personal Data Protection by the Registry of Integrity and Transparency for Companies and Entities (Registro de Integridad y Transparencia para Empresas y Entidades - RITE) has been promoted. Find out more!
We are very proud to share that Cecilia Brazzola and her team achieved an important precedent in franchising for our client Café Martínez.
On 18 October, The Access to Public Information Agency issued Resolution 198/2023 (the "Resolution") approving the model contractual clauses for international transfers of the Ibero-American Data Protection Network.
Resolution No. 351/2023 was published on the Official Gazette of the Argentine Republic. Read it here!
On September 20th, 2023, it was published in the International Trademark Association (INTA) Bulletin the article written by our partner Celia Lerman, on the new guidelines of the Network Information Center (NIC) Argentina for the resolution of domain name disputes.
The development and use by citizens of tools that incorporate Artificial Intelligence ("AI") has advanced at a dizzying pace in recent times. Fortunately, at the international level, measures have been taken such as the "OECD Principles on Artificial Intelligence", or the "Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence" in the framework of UNESCO, which developed a framework for the responsible development of AI.
New measure contributes to the simplification of formalities in the processing of industrial property rights.


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