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The Lerman & Szlak Blog

In order to promote and ensure trust and legal certainty in electronic transactions and to promote harmonious and uniform legislation on electronic storage, communication and authentication, as well as identification of persons in IT environments, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and Paraguay signed the MERCOSUR Agreement on the Mutual Recognition of Digital Signature Certificate.
The European Parliament has already adopted a negotiating position on the proposed regulation on Artificial Intelligence (AI) by 499 votes in favor, 28 against and 93 abstentions.
On June 1st, 2023, through the Disposition No. 2/2023 of the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers - Undersecretariat of Information Technologies published in the Official Gazette, the "Recommendations for a Reliable Artificial Intelligence" were approved, as well as the stages for "Artificial Intelligence Projects".
This Contest is a pioneer initiative that encourages innovation and rewards those who dare to invent, design and develop products and services at federal level.
To celebrate the International Day for the Protection of Personal Data, we chose to address ‘privacy and data collection for email marketing’, which closely reaches to many of our clients, considering the dilemma they face regarding, on the one hand, the trend to offer an increasingly personalized experience for users, and on the other, the need to respect their privacy and, thus, protect their personal data.
On December 27th, 2022, Resolution No. 122/2022 was published on the Official Gazette of the Argentine Republic, through which the Industrial Property Institute made official an update in the fees for the procedures carried out through the web portal. 
In this post we analyze how these regulatory advances which strengthen privacy standards, on the one hand, favor and enhance the digital economy of our country facilitating its global integration, and on the other hand, help Argentina to maintain the status of adequate country before a possible review process by the European Council.
If your company or organization processes personal data of Argentines as a data controller, please note that the Supervisory Authority on the protection of personal data of Argentina (the Agency for Access to Public Information or "Agency"), has issued updates regarding the registration of foreign companies, as well as the classification, grading and maximum limits of the infringements applicable in the event of non-compliance. Read this article for a summary of these developments.
Gabriela Szlak, Partner at Lerman & Szlak, reviews the most relevant aspects of the Health industry applicable to the private sector in an article published in OneTrust Data Guidance last August. It analyzes the main regulatory aspects of Argentine legislation, complementary rules and applicable international instruments.
With this new regulation, the CONICET seeks to increase its support to the TBCs by recovering the obligatory nature of their establishment in Argentina, promoting the growth of their capacities and improving the levels of articulation and public-private investment.


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