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Creation of the Programme for Transparency and Protection of Personal Data in the Use of Artificial Intelligence

The development and use by citizens of tools that incorporate Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) has advanced at a dizzying pace in recent times, generating diverse reactions, from the most genuine enthusiasm, to apathy, to the most visceral fear. By way of example, about a month ago, long lines of people were seen waiting to have their iris scanned, in exchange for a payment in crypto and seemingly unconcerned about the implications of handing over sensitive personal information. What is alarming about the current situation, however, is the lack of public awareness of the risks that can arise from the inappropriate use of AI.

Fortunately, at the international level, measures have been taken such as the “OECD Principles on Artificial Intelligence”, or the “Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence” in the framework of UNESCO, which developed a framework for the responsible development of AI.

In the same line, in our country, on 4 September, Resolution No. 161/2023 of the Agency for Access to Public Information was published in the Official Gazette, creating the “Programme for Transparency and Protection of Personal Data in the use of Artificial Intelligence”, with the aim of guaranteeing the rights of citizens in terms of transparency and protection of personal data in the process of creation and use of artificial intelligence.

Among the main courses of action that the Programme seeks to implement are:

  • The creation of an Observatory on AI.
  • The institutionalisation of a Council with experts in the field.
  • The strengthening of Transparency and Personal Data Protection capacities through the creation of good practice guides, training and technical assistance, awareness campaigns, media and information literacy, among others.

Through the following link, you can access the publication of the Resolution in the Official Gazette to learn  more about the Programme in detail: https://www.boletinoficial.gob.ar/detalleAviso/primera/293363/20230904


Gabriela Szlak and Sofía Orlinsky.