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The Lerman & Szlak Blog

In order to provide higher levels of safety, efficiency, durability and transparency within the works deposit procedure, the Argentine Copyright Office issued Resolution No. 14/2020, dated as of November 2nd, 2020, providing that work deposits related to unpublished and published works, as well as periodicals, could be filed by the Procedures at Distance Platform of the Electronic Document Management System.
The Argentine Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) moves forward digitalization by providing under Resolution INPI 168/2020 issued on October 19, 2020 that from October 21st, 2020, certificates of patents for inventions and utility models, such as priority documents and certificates on the status of patents and utility models, will be signed and issued only digitally.
The Secretariat of Interior Commerce of the Productive Development issued Resolution 424/2020 (hereinafter the “Resolution”) setting forth the obligation for e-commerce suppliers to publish a link called “Cancellation Button”, through which consumers may withdraw their purchase acceptance.
Our associate, Lucia Suyai Mendiberri lectured a talk on “Personal Data Protection in Transport and Technology Law 25.326” organized by the Institute of Transport of the San Martín University.
Mercosur Disposition 37 aims to harmonize the consumer protection legislation in electronic commerce within the MERCOSUR.
The Argentine Domain Registrar (“Nic.AR”) recently announced the opening of the general availability period for zone “.ar” on September 15 of this year.
On August 11, 2020, the Electronic or Digital Prescriptions Act N.º 27.553 (hereinafter, “LRED”) was passed in Argentina, which is of special importance within the regulatory framework of the Social, Preventive and Mandatory Isolation measures in force in the country.
Celia Lerman, our partner and expert in Intellectual Property Law at Lerman & Szlak, was part of the experts’ panel at the Open Innovation Online Course 5th session on July 1, 2020, offered by the Ministry of Productive Development of Argentina and the Office of Industry, Knowledge Economy, & External Commercial Management.
Celia Lerman and Gabriela Szlak, our partners and experts in Intellectual Property Law, New Technologies, and Startups at Lerman & Szlak, will be teaching at the Personal Data Protection Program of the Di Tella University (Buenos Aires, Argentina), offered within its Executive Legal Education courses.


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