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The Lerman & Szlak Blog

In the last couple of days, different branches of the Government have elaborated a set of policies in order to reduce the damage to the economy caused by the quarantine decreed on March 20th in the context of COVID-19.
María Cecilia Brazzola, our Partner and expert on Corporate Law at Lerman & Szlak, led the process of accompanying the Worcket company, advising its entire Due Diligence process during 2019.
According to the National Institute on Industrial Property (INPI) Resolution 16/2020, published in the Official Gazette on March 17, 2020; INPI has installed an Extraordinary Recess from March 12 to April 3, 2020, as an exceptional measure during the public health emergency declared by the Decree of Necessity and Urgency 260/2020.
Gabriela Szlak, together with Mark Datysgeld and Andrew Mack, was part of the team of experts organized by AM GLOBAL Consulting who, considering the reduced participation of Latin American companies in the ICANN Business Constituency (BC), worked on how to build sustained BC participation in Latin America, being a project aimed at finding new models of participation for these actors.
Quoting WTR 1000 research directory, she has been recognized as a responsive, supportive, reliable, proactive, and agile IP lawyer with deep knowledge of the intellectual property. 
On November 1, 2019, trademark priority documents will be issued only digitally, as ordered by Resolution N° 275/2019 (October 4, 2019) which establishes this new type of issuance as Title V to the Annex of Resolution N° 123/2019 (May 23, 2019).
On December 10, 2019, the new procedures for the invalidation and non-use cancellation of trademark registrations will become effective, as ordered by Resolution N° 279/2019 (October 10, 2019), and Annexes III and IV of Resolution N° 183/2018 (July 19, 2018).
On Friday 6, September 2019, the Legal and Technical Secretariat of the Nation’s Presidency issued Resolution 43/2019; motivated by the need to introduce multiple necessary changes for the competitiveness of Internet domain registration under ".ar", in order to guarantee the best possible administration by the National Directorate of Internet Domain Registration.
Celia is currently chair of the AI and Decisions by Machines Subcommittee at the Emerging Issues Committee (2016-2017, and 2017-2019 terms), and has previously contributed as a member of the Trademark Reporter Committee (2014-2015 term).
In the event, which focused on how to achieve success with email and automation marketing strategies and best practices, Gabriela Szlak, partner at Lerman & Szlak, had the challenging task to present briefly an overview on Data Protection and GDPR, focusing on email marketing, and considering user´s rights and companies’ obligations under the new regulation, in Argentina and in the region.


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