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Our Paralegal, Natalia Majcherczyk, is now an Industrial Property Agent

We are very proud to share that Natalia Majcherczyk, our senior paralegal, has been qualified as an Industrial Property Agent, by Resolution 8/2024 of the National Industrial Property Institute (INPI).

Natalia has over 18 years of experience in Intellectual Property matters and before joining our team, she worked as a Patent and Trademark paralegal for very well-known Argentine IP Law Firms. Due to her on-site training, she has extensive experience in Trademarks, Patents and Industrial Designs/Models.

Being an industrial property agent provides the ability to manage intellectual property rights of third parties before the INPI, whether filing trademarks, patents, utility models or industrial designs applications. 

Intellectual Property has always been fundamental for the development of our society, and agents collaborate with the noble work of protecting it. 

We congratulate Natalia for this great achievement!

The resolution is available at the following link: https://www.boletinoficial.gob.ar/detalleAviso/primera/304728/20240314